Masayo Kajimura

*1976. Lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Japanese-German video artist, Masayo Kajimura has made short films, video installations and works in collaboration with dance and music. Her poetic and associative composition of moving images has been described as folding layers of different realities. Her work has been shown in numerous exhibitions throughout Europe, the US and Asia including Internationale Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen, Amsterdam Film Experience and "Paivascapes #1".

KAJIMURA Outside the sun is shining HD 3

Outside the sun is shining / Japon-Allemagne / 2010 / 9' / 4:3

Outside the sun is shining documents the inside of the former spa hotel in Ahrenshoop/Germany. The empty rooms of the ruin were filled with poetry, as if this inbetween state of decay had stories and inhabitants of its own. The building was pulled down in 2009. All that is left is the eternal sea.


