Robert Todd

*USA. Lives and works in Boston, USA.

Robert Todd first gained worldwide recognition as a painter. Since 1985 he has been teaching art in Boston. He has been making his own films since 1992. As a filmmaker interested in “non-fictional material poetry” he has produced a steady stream of short films that refuse being categorized. His work has been shown in several countries and has received a number of awards.

In his series of film poems, the filmmaker and artist confronts romantic notions of places and being against progressive social interests.

Todd Our former glory

Cabinet / USA / 2007 / 12' / 4:3

Views into what makes, and out to what is hidden. Through lenses we fall.

Our former glory / USA / 2002 / 8' / 4:3

A fantasy taking its cue from reliquary objects left to rot along the Brooklyn Promenade, overlooking the site of the former World Trade Center Towers. The film proposes visual similes between impersonal architecture and the language of mass production that define America's most pervasive global export: a living aesthetic culture of utility. Just as we can conceive of sentimental or spiritual offerings as disposable, so too are we led to identify our selves within that aesthetic.

